Stay Tuned...

Stay Tuned...

December 9, Fresh Air

September 25, Morning Joe

August 20, To The Point

August 20, Leonard Lopate Show

August 18, Diane Rehm Show

August 12, Focus 580

August 12, TNR TV

August 10, The World

August 10, The Takeaway

August 8, Weekend Edition

August 7, Rachel Maddow Show

July 15, RIz Khan Show

July 10, CBS

June 23, Wisconsin NPR

June 21, CNN

June 16, WTOP

June 15, New Hampshire NPR

June 13, Newseum in Washington, DC. Watch here

June 1, Riz Khan Show; watch part one and two

June 1, KVON

May 29, After Words

May 28, The Bob Edwards Show

May 27, The World

May 23, The New York Times on Bloggingheads TV

May 24, All Things Considered

May 21, Bloggingheads TV

May 20, Think

May 13, Radio Times

May 12, Talk of the Nation 

May 12, New America Foundation; watch part one and two 

May 10, Washington Journal